Monday, July 17, 2006

A Lifestyle Change

My Mum is going back to teach full-time until the end of the year. That means Daddy gets to look after me during the day. I can't wait. Daddy and I have lots of fun together. I will still go to Day-care two days a week and Daddy will paint. Posted by Picasa

Pemberton Holiday

Mummy and Daddy and Grandma and I recently went down to Pemberton for a long weekend. It was beautiful there and I got to play with these horses. We stayed on a farm with chickens and dogs. The adults dragged me to a few wineries and breweries...what is it with those places??? Posted by Picasa

Growing Up

I am now 16 months and although I look cute in this photo I can throw the biggest tantrums. My Mum just likes to say that I know my own mind!!! Posted by Picasa