Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Christmas 2006

This is a special book that Santa brought me for Christmas. It is my favourite book. We had Christmas at Poppy's at Sussex Inlet and saw lots of kangaroos.


Butter wouldn't melt in my mouth!

Best Friends

This is my best friend Angeline or Linney if you are like me and can't pronounce her full name yet. We do lots together and get into heaps of trouble!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Kelly's

Noah and Renee and Ryan came to visit too! I had fun playing with Noah. He taught me lots of words and I taught him how to eat! Posted by Picasa

My Pop

Poppy just came to visit me. This is us sitting down to our evening drink. Posted by Picasa

Hot weather

When it gets too hot, I just go for a swim in my pool. Posted by Picasa


I love to draw. mummy and daddy had to buy me special waterbased textas, cause I love to draw on the walls and the floor!!!! Now it just comes straight off! Posted by Picasa

Growing Up

Mum hasn't taken any good photos of me in ages!!! Not sure what she thinks she's doing...working or something. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17, 2006

A Lifestyle Change

My Mum is going back to teach full-time until the end of the year. That means Daddy gets to look after me during the day. I can't wait. Daddy and I have lots of fun together. I will still go to Day-care two days a week and Daddy will paint. Posted by Picasa

Pemberton Holiday

Mummy and Daddy and Grandma and I recently went down to Pemberton for a long weekend. It was beautiful there and I got to play with these horses. We stayed on a farm with chickens and dogs. The adults dragged me to a few wineries and breweries...what is it with those places??? Posted by Picasa

Growing Up

I am now 16 months and although I look cute in this photo I can throw the biggest tantrums. My Mum just likes to say that I know my own mind!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 10, 2006

Day Care

I go to Day-Care twice a week now so that mummy can do some relief teaching. I get to do lots of things at day-care like play with playdo and musical instruments. I got this Barbie bag for my birthday....is this the start of school stuff as pressies????? Yuk! Posted by Picasa


This is a funny photo of my first steps. I started walking on my birthday and also got two teeth on my birthday. Lots of dribbling and falling over. Posted by Picasa

First Birthday

This is my first doll which I got for my birthday. I had a great day and got heaps of pressies. I had a BBQ at night with the Elphicks, Grandma and the Quelch's. I even had icecream cake. Posted by Picasa


Mum loves having these cuddles. Posted by Picasa


This is the verandah at our holiday place in Yanchep, 30 mins from our house. We had a lovely 4 days here, swimming in the ocean every morning and then swimming in our pool in the afternoon. Every night we would sit out on the verandah and watch the sunset over the ocean. Mum and Dad were very relaxed! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Australia Day

Happy Australia Day everyone!! Posted by Picasa


My Mum keeps insisting on dressing me up in these dresses. Why doesn't she wear any?? Posted by Picasa

The River

This is me and my Dad visiting the Swan River that runs through Perth. Posted by Picasa

The Park

We love to go down to the park and have a crawl around. The best thing is to chase the seagulls. Posted by Picasa


I loved Christmas and got very spoiled. The best bit was playing with all the paper. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dressing Up

Mum thought she would add this to the site because she thinks its a cute photo of me. I wore this down to the beach where we met my friends from Mum's Mothers Group. Posted by Picasa


Mum and Dad bought me this swing. I love swinging high and can't stop smiling Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Our new house

We moved to our new house last week. It was fun getting into all the boxes whilst mum and dad packed and unpacked. I love our new house as it has lots of lawn that I can crawl around on. Mum and Dad says it reminds them of a Sydney lawn. I can't wait to play cricket on it! Posted by Picasa

My first day at the beach

This is my first day at the beach. I loved playing in the sand even though it didn't taste too good. Daddy took me to paddle in the water but it is freezing cold still. Posted by Picasa

New Tricks

I have learnt lots of new tricks in the past weeks. I have been crawling for over a week now and I am getting very fast! Mum and Dad weren't too pleased that I learnt to crawl at the same time that we moved house. I can also clap hands. My favourite trick is to blow raspberries at breakfast time when my mouth is full of cereal. Posted by Picasa

The Honeymoon

Mum and I went to Sydney to visit everyone, but we had to leave Dad behind. We had a great time and caught up with lots of people. We stayed with Poppy at Sussex Inlet and then with the Davidsons and the Kelleways. We had lots of good times...oh yeah and the Swans won the AFL Final. I am actually wearing a Swans outfit in this photo. Mum got a little carried away. Posted by Picasa